NLSEB 2018
On Wednesday 11 April 2018 we had our very first meeting; a great success with 5 plenaries, 12 contributed speakers, 45 posters and over 150 participants! The scientific quality of the program was superb, with scientists covering the entire field of evolutionary biology, and very inspiring talks throughout. The venue and catering were praised by all and therefore we would like to especially thank our host Akoesticum for the welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. In addition, we would like to thank OBM Veenendaal for the impeccable technical support and NWO, Brill and the Origin Center for their sponsorships.
Some highlights (for full program, see Programme-NLSEB2018):
The opening Brill lecture, a duo act by Bas Zwaan and Eric Schranz, making a case to bridge the gap between micro and macro evolution
The video-audio performance by Reiko Yamada: an artist impression of Drosophila, which has kept 150 people meditating for 30 minutes straight
The logo presentation, with the winning logo designed by Bastiaan von Meijenfeldt
The Brill poster award of 250,- for Mirte Bosse
The first general assembly of the NLSEB and election of the first NLSEB board
And finally you!
Thank you for being there, and participating in the many lively discussions. We had a great day and are much looking forward to meeting you all again next year.
All the best,
The organisation committee
Marleen Cobben | Martijn Egas | Ole Madsen | Bas Teusink | Eveline Verhulst | Arjan de Visser | Franjo Weissing