NLSEB 2021
The NLSEB2021 and NLSEB PhD/postdoc meetings were a great success with a range of very nice and interesting talks. We were pleased with the great turn up, and the excellent online organization of the event by Kim Ferguson (www.kimbferguson.com/KBF-consulting).
In addition to the Netherlands Evolutionary Biology prize winners of 2019 (Langqing Liu) and 2020 (Zheren Zang), who both gave plenary talks, als 2 poster prize winners were selected: Elise Fruitet for her poster entitled “Evolution of sex pheromone signaling in Heliothis subflexa”, and Lennart v/d Peppel for his poster entitled “Ancestral predisposition towards a domesticated lifestyle in the termite-cultivated fungus Termitomyces”. Congratulations to all prize winners!
Dear evolutionary biologist,
Last year the NLSEB meeting was cancelled due to the pandemic, but this year we are making up for that by organising the Third Conference of the Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology (NLSEB) online in the afternoons of 19 and 20 April 2021.
We have three exciting keynote speakers (Thijs Ettema, Toby Kiers, Mark van Vugt), two NLSEB prizes will be awarded and there will be two parallel sessions with contributed presentations. The programme includes plenty of time for poster sessions and there will be the possibility to reconnect with your fellow evolutionary biologists through online socializing and networking opportunities.
Moreover, this year’s registration for the meeting is free and with your registration you automatically receive a free NLSEB membership for 2021!
In the mornings of 19 and 20 April, there will be the first NLSEB PhD/Post-doc meeting (online).There will soon be a separate announcement and registration call for this meeting.
Hope to see you at NLSEB2021!
The NLSEB 2021 Conference organising committee
Marian Bemer | Jeroen Meijer | Sijmen Schoustra | Jacintha Ellers
e-mail: meeting@nlseb.nl