NLSEB 2022

The NLSEB 2022 PhD/postdoc and main meetings finally took place on June 27 and 28 at Akoesticum in Ede. It was for the first time since 3 years that we could meet in person, and this was much appreciated by the attendants. Although with a smaller public than usual due to competition with other Covid-delayed meetings (including the BioSB meeting on the very same days), the meetings were greatly appreciated by the participants!
The PhD/postdoc meeting offered workshops on a range of topics, including Leaving academia, Cell modelling, Fair and open bioinformatics, Story telling with data and Creating a research vision, Pitch presentations and a plenary talk by Nico van Straalen.
At the NLSEB main meeting, participants could attend plenary talks by Katja Peijnenburg, Jaap Kaandorp and Eric Snijder, as well as by the Netherlands Evolutionary Biology prize winner of 2021 Jean-Christophe Billeter. There were further parallel sessions with 16 short talks, poster presentations, an interesting cultural intermezzo and plenty time to meet each other again in person during lunch, coffee breaks and dinner (see abstract book and programme).