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NLSEB 2024 meeting 

We are excited to welcome you to the 2023 NLSEB meeting that will be held on Tuesday May 16th at the Akoesticum in Ede. 

We have plenary talks by Felicity Jones (Friedrich Miescher Lab, Tübingen) who works on molecular mechanisms of speciation and adaptation in sticklebacks, by Franjo Weissing (U Groningen) who works on evolvability, phenotypic plasticity, game theory and behavior, and by the winner of the 2021 Netherlands Evolutionary Biology Prize (will be announced during the meeting). 

The program also includes two parallel presentation sessions, a cultural intermezzo, roundtable discussions and plenty of time for poster presentations and socializing with your fellow evolutionary biologists, to strengthen your networking connections and to establish new collaborations.


Take a look at the program for more details. 


The roundtable discussions will consist of:

a) "Data archiving and management" chaired by Sebastian Lequime (University of Groningen)

b) "Drafting a successful research proposal in the field of evolutionary  biology" chaired by Jacintha Eller (VU Amsterdam) & Bas Zwaan (WUR)

c) "Joint initiatives in teaching evolutionary biology" chaired by Jelle Zandveld (Utrecht University)


Intermezzo details

Natural selection has led to the appearance (phenotype) of all species today: But what about the phenotypes that never existed? What if the circumstances were different? In this documentary-theatre performance by dramaturg Wessel Padberg, we dive into the world of forbidden phenotypes; phenotypes that are possible but - as yet - have not happened. Drawing on artists from different times and disciplines, we will look at their views on these phenotypes, covering humans, plants, animals and fungi. Let this art invite you to look at your profession in a fresh new perspective and get inspired by all these creatures you thought could not exist.

Wessel Padberg (he/him) is a dramaturg with broad cultural interests. Currently he is finishing his master's degree in Dramaturgy at the University of Amsterdam. He has a great love for theatre, visual arts, sensory experiences, social issues and Dutch literature.



The NLSEB PhD/Postdoc meeting will take place on Monday, May 15th at Wageningen University (the day preceding the NLSEB 2023 meeting in Ede). Our meeting aims to connect junior researchers in the field of evolutionary biology in the Netherlands, and to spread knowledge on soft skills related to science. There will be flash presentations from all participants to get to know each other, followed by three exciting workshops. The workshop program will be finalized and announced next month. The day will end with drinks and dinner, and there is the option for people to stay overnight (at your own cost).  To register follow this link.



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